The Thanksgiving Cleaning Countdown Checklist

Thanksgiving has to be one of the greatest holidays. All of the delicious food, getting the family together and “did I mention all of the awesome food?”. However, getting ready for the big day can be quite a hefty task. It not only requires hours of cooking, but you have to clean the house for guests too! Most people will be far too busy to clean every nook and cranny but with this countdown to Thanksgiving cleaning checklist we’ll help you clean wear it counts and give the illusion that your house clean top to bottom!

Two Weeks to Go: Tackle any organizational tasks or things that will stay clean for 2 weeks

One-Week Ahead: This is the time to do a deep cleaning of the home so all you will need is to do a quick walk through clean the day before Turkey Day

1 Day Before Turkey Day: Quick Walk Through Clean

Thanksgiving Day:

It may seem like a lot of work but having a clean and organized home for Thanksgiving can give you a very rewarding feeling and makes your guests feel comfortable and at home, which is something everyone wants to feel on such an intimate day. Taking the time to clean ahead of time will help you enjoy the cooking and socializing without being stressed or embarrassed about your housekeeping.  

Everyone here at Chem-Dry of Summerville hopes you have a delightful Thanksgiving filled with love, laughter and a stomach full of food! 

P.S. – Be sure to leave us feedback on our Facebook page about what you thought of the list and don’t forget to tell your friends!

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